Saturday, February 26, 2011

Organic or Not?

This image is my first creation with Photoshop. I was having artist block when trying to decide what to create for the photomontage assignment. So I started looking through the house for ideas. In the fridge I found a package of brown organic eggs. I took one out and starting snapping pictures of it. With a few other photos acquired from Google image search I had a collection. The big question is do we really know if food labeled organic is truly organic?  I really enjoyed using Photoshop and feel totally hooked now.  If you can think it you can do it.


  1. This is a really clever piece. This is very good for your first Photoshop creation. I just learned how to use the edge refining tool, which you probably used on the chicken, it works really well. I like your use of the large chicken that almost looks like Godzilla.
    I think the message comes across very well. I wonder myself sometimes when I buy organic if there isn’t a guy like that one spraying anyway.

  2. Cute
    I can't tell if that chicken is going to attack or not. I think you did an excellent job But without the title would not have known it it was about organic foods. Please post a larger version.

  3. I really enjoy your photomontage. I love the chicken and you have created a great sense of depth. Your brown eggs create a bit of a surreal feeling to the photomontage. It feels balanced and the color tones works well together. Your inspiration brings up a question I have always had, as to whether it's worth it to buy organic or not.

  4. I love the composition and intent! the images flow together nicely, but like John said, you should have included some text to indicate its intent when seperated from your blog post. :)
